Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Our club

Wave Shape
The Bicester Sub-Aqua Club is a family-friendly Diving and Social Club. We meet once a week at the Bicester Leisure Centre Cafe, Queens Avenue, Bicester, Oxfordshire.

Informal meetings are on Tuesday nights from 8 – 10:00 p.m. We have exclusive use of the pool on a fortnightly basis from 9 – 10.15p.m. and use it for try-dives, kit checks, training and swimming. Access to the Sports Centre Cafe is free as a member of the Bicester Sub-Aqua Club and use of the pool is free on the nights we have it booked.


We have a busy programme of trips and events. We hope to run at least one UK trip a month over the summer period, plus one or two warm-water trips. Dives are a mix of shore and chartered hard boat, as well as sheltered dive sites for training and kit checks. We also have our own compressor at the Leisure Centre for air refills. Sadly we are unable to do Nitrox fills.


Being in the middle of the country may be seen as not the best place for having a dive club, but it does mean we are only 70 miles from the coast in most directions! It is a pretty informal club and we accept divers with other agency qualifications such as PADI or SSI (please see Already a Diver for details of the qualification equivalents). We welcome all age ranges and are family-friendly.

If you come along to the Bicester Leisure Centre on a Tuesday evening, ask for any of the committee members. They will be more than happy to provide you with information about the club, its activities, and diving.

Contact us to get involved

Our Club

Bicester Sub-Aqua Club is over 40 years old. It was founded in 1978 by Dave Burden, an experienced diver who began running snorkeling lessons in the evening at Bicester swimming pool.

After one of these courses a number of the students expressed a desire to move further on and learn to scuba dive. They managed to persuade Dave to teach them and thus was born the first BSAC diving club at Bicester.

In these early days equipment had to be begged or borrowed and cobbled together as best they could. Much of the open water training was done at Stoney Cove where the only facilities at the time were the recompression chamber and a compressor. Much has changed since then!

After a while Dave Burden moved on to pastures new, including working on the Mary Rose project. At around this time the club benefited from an influx of experienced divers from the Banbury area which allowed the club to continue training, ensuring its long term survival and growth.

From these early days the club has grown from strength to strength, providing diving resources for all levels of diver, and with diving organised at home and abroad.

Our club founder

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